Monday, December 05, 2011

walk down to me tomorrow

engulf me in caresses
that will wipe away invasions of fear

i tread upon tarmac
with blisters on my feet
yet the tarmac cares not
to register my toes

constant poverty of warmth
continuous run for the finish
pulsating flutter of wings
all added to the perception 
that lives within me
that you will 
walk down to me tomorrow

lonely graves
lonely hours by a fireside
and memories…
“it was a winter night, wasn’t it?"
and we made it warm with love

i heard an owl screech somewhere
and a bat on silent wings
across the meadows 
two lonely graves
whisper sweet nothings
in stillness

i sense the tug of time
i see you go away from me
and feel the loss of love
i never once received
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